Upholstery & Furniture

The process of cleaning upholstery begins with an analysis of your furniture and upholstery to determine what equipment and cleaning technique should be used to offer you the best results. Specially formulated cleaning agents are used for cleaning antique furniture and fragile upholstery items powerfully but safely. Cleaning microfiber furniture is one of our specialties and at the end of our cleaning services, you’ll be rid of dirt, dust and other pollutants that collect in the cracks and crevices of your furniture.
Clean, Protect, Preserve
We deodorize and protect your furniture and upholstery after each cleaning. Our technicians will spray a protector on your furniture to create a barrier around the fibers. This helps guard against water-based stains and daily wear and tear. We also apply deodorizers to your furniture and upholstery so it not only looks great at the end of the cleaning but also smells good!
Call ProClean for a quality furniture and upholstery cleaner in Southern Maryland. If you have any questions about our services, contact us or call us at 410-257-3510.