Before & After Carpet Cleaning Instructions
In order to deliver the best carpet cleaning services that you expect from us, there are a couple of things we would require you to do. Please read the before & after carpet cleaning instructions below:
Pre Cleaning Instructions
- Have all the small items like toys, lamps, chairs etc removed from the carpet.
- A pre-vacuuming is also requested as most dirt and debris elements can be easily vacuumed even before the actual cleaning process begins. However, if you are unable to vacuum the carpet we will be happy to do it for you.
- Make sure no drapes or bed skirts are touching the surface of carpet, as they might become damp during carpet cleaning. We suggest you pin them before we begin.
Post Cleaning Instructions
- Post cleaning, it is required that you leave the doors and windows open for good air circulation for 4-6 hours after cleaning for the carpet to completely dry.
- Do not place furniture and other items on the carpet right after cleaning.
- Minimize foot traffic on the carpet for at least 4-6 hours.
We hope you’ll make ProClean of Southern Maryland your resource for carpet cleaning services in Calvert County. If you have any questions, contact us or call us at 410-257-3510.